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What Is A Password Manager, How Does It Work, Why Is It Useful

January 14, 2022 odmin 0 Comments

Password managers are a digital police. They store your sensitive data, and protect your sensitive information. It is a must-have to know what is a password manager, how does it work, and why it is useful. Below we will discuss these topics:

  • What is Password Manager ?
  • How does it work?
  • Why is it useful? (Benefits of using Password Manager)


It is a software that allows users to generate, store and manage credentials for both local services and online services.

It helps in the creation and retrieval of strong credentials, as well as their storage in an encrypted database or their calculation on software packages that can be installed remotely. Knowing what is a password manager is, why it is useful, and how it works helps users to install the tool as quickly as possible.


They can be used in a variety of ways. They can be connected domestically, accessed via the internet, or used as SSO (SINGLE SIGN-ON).

  1. Password Manager that is installed remotely

How does it work? The password manager that is installed remotely, also known as desktop-based or offline manager, encrypts and stores credentials on a single machine or device, such as your laptop or smartphone. Your information is saved in an encrypted file to which you can get entrance using your master passphrase.

NB: When using a remotely installed password vault  if you lose or shatter your device, you will lose all of your password vault  data.

  1. Web-Based

Again a question, “How does it work?” Simple. Your credentials are stored on a server, also known as “the cloud.” Unlike domestically installed passcode vaults, you may access and sync your records from any computer or device with an internet connection, making it the most unique. Your data is encrypted before it reaches the servers, so you can be assured that it is safe and secure. 

Web-based password managers, like those that are installed on your computer, are accessible with a master passphrase.

  1. Single Sign-On (SSO)

These permit the use of a single passcode for all internet services and packages, which is a more secure and easy option than using separate credentials for each. This particular type of software is frequently used in workplace settings so that employees can quickly gain access to the websites and apps. They need to do their jobs while avoiding the hassle of remembering and sharing many credentials. To request authentication, SSO relies on passing tokens to the app or site. This is how this type works.

Are they safe to use?

They are extremely safe to use when it comes to storing your data. Many of the more popular ones employ “zero-expertise” encryption, which prohibits the software’s provider from accessing your data, regardless of whether it is saved within the tool itself.

  • A number of services employ army-grade AES 256- encryption to offer the highest level of security. Many also enable authentication as an added layer of security in case your master passphrase is ever discovered.
  • A hacker may have to break through all three layers of security to gain access to your password vault  account: encrypted records, master passphrase, and safety key. Even the most competent hacker may find it difficult, if not impossible, to crack all three.

Finally, they let you create secure credentials by combining lowercase and uppercase, characters and letters. This feature ensures that all of your credentials are unique and difficult to guess.


 It is every user‘s desire to know “what is a password manager and why is it useful?”  We’ve already covered the first part of the question. Now it’s time to talk about the password manager’s benefits.

  1. You no longer need to remember all of your credentials.

 You only need to know and remember the main credential that opens your password vault. If you make use of a cloud-based manager, you can easily access your passcode vault from any of your devices, at any time.

Still have a question “why is it useful”? Here is more. Trusted password managers instantly generate strong passcodes for you. When you create a brand new account with an app or website , most of them will ask you if you want to make use of a device-generated passphrase. These randomly created passcodes are long, alphanumeric, and virtually impossible to guess.

  1. They alert you in case of a fake website.

 A basic lesson on scammers is as follows: Spam emails are fake emails that appear to come from a legitimate sender, such as a friend, family member, coworker, or company. The email contains links to fake untrusted websites that are designed to capture login details. Because it does not recognize the website like the one related to the passcode, it will not complete the username and password fields.

  1. Make a set of random credentials

For each and everyone of your accounts, they may create random credentials. A passcode cracking software is programmed to guess the most common passcodes first, thus truly random passcodes are significantly more secure than those created on the spur of the moment.

  1. Easily access your accounts by logging in.

You can easily log into your accounts. After you’ve signed up for a passcode vault , you may install a browser extension that will process logins while still safely saving them.

  1. Change Your Credentials Easily

They make changes or reset credentials simply. If a website where you have an account has been compromised, you may keep safe by creating a new login with the built-in passcode generator. Some passcode vaults allow you to reset your credentials with a single click. For further security, you can choose to change all of your credentials on a regular basis.

  1. Using the Same Password Manager on Different Devices

Most security features allow users to log in from a range of devices. As we use our mobile phones more regularly, this has become highly significant (and as more websites provide optimised mobile experiences). Several password vaults also offer credentials for apps.

  1. Credentials should be shared in a secure manner.

Joint accounts can be shared with family members or employees. Of course, sharing personal information isn’t a smart idea, but it gives control to whoever has access to credentials for shared accounts in the event of a death or accident.

These are the most important points about password manager that answer the question “why is it useful?”


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