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Which Password Manager To Use

January 5, 2022 odmin 0 Comments

These days, almost every website and app requires you to create a user profile before you can start using it. Whether you are looking to join an online work conference or watch the latest movie on a streaming service, you will have to create a login with a password. Having all of these profiles, each with its unique password, can be challenging to manage.

You may think a solution to this is to either make use of the exact same password for various platforms or to use simple passwords that are easy to remember. But either of these will put you at risk of having your data compromised.

When it comes to password security, it is best to have a unique one for each platform you use, and to use complex passwords that cannot easily be hacked. Once you have created unique, complex passwords for each of these platforms, it is extremely overwhelming to keep track of them all. Therefore, the best solution for this is to use a password manager.

What is a password manager and why should you use it?

These are applications created to keep track of your passwords for you. This means, you do not have to remember multiple passwords yourself, because this is done by the application. This is extremely useful, not only will it prevent you from losing passwords, but they will be securely stored – keeping you safe from being hacked.

What types of password managers are available for use?

The option that is best for you to use depends on whether you are looking to use it as an individual or a business, and the nature of your business.

–   Browser password managers

All of the popular browsers have built in password management. Your login information is stored within the browser – making it very easy for you to access your own accounts across all websites, as your password will be auto filled whenever you open the website. An advantage of these browsers is that they are completely free. But this information is not accessible across different browsers.

Although these offer a great solution to individuals, they are not well suited for businesses, as they do not have extensive features nor are they secure for use on shared devices.

–   On premise password managers

This is a good solution for business that operate solely within their own environment. These are personalized to fit the specific needs of your business. However, these need to be privately and manually maintained – this can take a lot of time. This is also not ideal if you have staff working remotely.

–   Cloud password managers

This is by far the most prevalent option out there for individuals. Cloud password managers are great to use, by individuals or businesses. They allow for easy remote access to your passwords. They can be used throughout various browsers and devices – making them ideal for most users.

–   Password manager apps

Making use of such applications is one of the best ways to keep track of passwords. These applications can be accessed from several devices, browsers, and operating systems. Not only do these help you store passwords, but they will generate them for you.

This application offers security and peace of mind, whether you are an individual or business. By making use of data encryption methods, your information is kept safe, and two-factor authentication ensures that no one else except for you has access to your passwords

Choosing which password manager is best to use:

With all the options available, it can be a challenge to choose the best fit for you or your business. Here are a series of questions to assist you in making this decision.

1. Are you using a password manager as an individual or business?

As an individual, a browser, cloud or application manager is best suited for you. These are simple to use, and as an individual you do not need extensive features that are useful for businesses. Browser managers are free and convenient. But applications offer the advantage of being accessible across multiple browsers.

As a business, browser and cloud managers are not ideal. Applications and on-premise managers are much better in this case, as they allow for use across multiple devices and by multiple users.  

2. Where does your business operate?

If your business is run solely from a private office space, then an on-premise manager is great for you. This can be tailored to fit your business’s needs specifically.

However, if your business involves collaborating with members from various locations, then an application is best for your use. These applications allow access from any location and make it easy to work remotely.

3. What can you afford?

Now that you have decided on the type of manager best suited for you, you can look at the available options. Browser managers are ideal for individuals who are not willing to pay for this service. Applications are a better choice, however often, they require a payment.

As a business, the best managers would be paid options. Some password managers provide a free version; however these will have limited features. Compare the prices and features of each manager – not every business needs every feature. Some applications even offer a trial period for free in which you can experiment with the manager and decide if it works for your business.

Now you are well-equipped with the knowledge to decide on the best password manager to use. Use this information to ensure your information stays protected.  

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